Saturday, 12 June 2010

Love my Tweeps

This is my first blog. I'm beginning to realise that you can't truly blog until you find a subject that you're truly passionate about and for me right now that's trying to conceive (TTC). My husband and I have been trying to conceive on and off for two years now, but only in the last year have I felt so ready to be a mum that it actually hurts!

So far I've consulted my GP, been tested for hormone levels, bought books, paid for fortnightly acupuncture sessions, consulted a naturopath, taken supplements and bought every magazine that I see that might have a feature on TTC and the magic solution that will work for me. Acupuncture and naturopathy have certainly brought me some relief and taken me to another stage of relaxation and the books and magazines have taught me things that no-one ever dare to teach you. I've learned I have an irregular cycle and that I don't ovulate on day 14, as some professionals may like to tell you (in fact it seems to be a different day every month!). I also learned that I only have LH for a short period of time, which means I need to use two ovulation tests a day to know exactly when I'm ovulating.

However the biggest emotional support for me comes from my Tweeps on Twitter. Discussing fertility is a faux pas at work and it is also something that's very hard to properly discuss with family and friends, especially if TTC has come easy to them. They can be supportive, sympathetic and caring and of course are the most important people in my life....But my Tweeps...Well my Tweeps know exactly what it feels like when my AF comes every month, when another friend or colleague announces they're expecting, when all you see are pregnant women everywhere, the torture of another two week wait (TWW) or simply what it's like to want so badly to be a mum! They know exactly what to say at those moments and I'd like to thank them all for that and put in writing how much they mean to me. I hope too that, when they're most in need, I can offer them a virtual shoulder to cry on and the emotional support they need to help them through what is one of the most challenging and emotional journeys in life. They're an amazing bunch of very brave and inspiring women and men, and I'm glad I have them by my side on my journey to become a mum, no matter what I have to do to get there...And Tweeps, I look forward to the days I can celebrate with each and every one of you as you all achieve you fertility/adoption goals!! Thank you! x


  1. Thank you! I feel exactly the same way! My tweeps always come though for me.

  2. Our tweeps are awesome.
    So glad you decided to join the blogging world. I hope you find it to be as comforting as twitter.
